Campus Preparation With C Language

Course Overview

Course Objective

The Objective of This Course is To Help Student To Prepare Campus Interviews of IT Companies.

Prerequisite : Candidate Should Have Basic Knowledge of C Language
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  • Number Of Hours 60
  • Total Lectures 81
  • Total Interview Questions 109
  • Total Assignments 41
  • Total Practice Questions 99

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• logical and or operator combine
• Pre Increment and multiplication Combine
• Printf access the parameter and store in stack
• && operator with minus value
• Arithmetic operator with pre increment and post increment
• Ascii code to char and vice versa
• For With Incremental in loop
• For Loop With Nesting
• For Loop With Single Statement
• For Loop With X increment
• For Loop Without Condition
• If With Character
• If Within Number
• If Within Not Operator
• If Within Printf
• Logical && And ! in combination
• Logical And With Non Zero Value
• Loop With Single Increment Condition
• Non Zero With Not Operator
• Not With Inner Bracket
• Logical Or and Addition combine
• Print the Two Parameter using single format specifier
• Printf With Conditional operator
• Printf with octal and hexa decimal
• Print With Conditional operator
• Return type behavior of printf function
• Scanf with returntype
• size of operator example
• Switch With Arithmetic expression as case
• Range Cross Example of Unsigned Integer
• While with Reinitialization
• While With Two Condition
• While With Unsigned integer
• Array with index and value increment effect
• Array With base address concept
• Concept with base address + index
• single dimension array convert in two dimensional array
• array with *(&a[i] concept
• two dimensional array with pointer
• array with pointer
• array with index+base address
• array with base address increment
• array with size of operator
• Count The String length
• Base Address + index using string
• pointer with string and base address increment concept
• MCQ With String and pointer
• String compare concept using == symbol
• String mcq with pointer and while in single statement
• String mcq with two dimensional string
• String with reverse logic using pointer
• String With Ascii code mcq
• MCQ With string with base + index and vice versa
• pointer basic example for storing address and fetching value
• This Question show how pointer shift on next block
• This Question show how we can change the value of another address using pointer
• Access String using pointer
• Accessing Array using pointer
• Double pointer
• void pointer with size
• Pointer with array operation
• Address with hexa decimal format
• void pointer
• Malloc Function
• calloc function
• realloc function
• Call by Reference With Function
• Function With More Than One Value In Single Return
• Passing Array In Function
• Function Returning pointer type value
• Print The address of function e.g main
• Main Function With Recursion
• Function Defination Within Function Defination
• Function calling within Function calling
• Function With static Storage class
• Macro With Simple Constant value
• Macro With NewLine
• Macro use as simple inline function
• Macro with ambiguity problem
• Macro Use As Inline Function With Conditional operator
• Macro With Conditional Compilation
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