Course Overview

Course Objective

The Objective of This Course is To Help Student To Prepare Campus Interviews of IT companies and Can Develop Application Using Python.

Prerequisite : Candidate Should Have Basic Knowledge of C Language
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  • Number Of Hours 30
  • Total Lectures 64
  • Total Interview Questions 71
  • Total Assignments 58
  • Total Practice Questions 100

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• If Else Statement
• Nested If Statement
• Else If Ladder Statement
• Introduction Of Loop
• For Loop With Range Function
• For Loop With Decremental Step
• Nested For Loop
• Printing Inverted Stars Pattern
• Break Statement
• Introduction To Function
• Function With Default Parameter
• Function With Return value
• Function With Local And Global Variable
• Function Use As Module
• Lambda Expression With Function
• Function Recursion
• Introduction To String
• String With Immutable Concpet
• String Iteration And Membership Test
• String Formating Function
• Common Used Function in String Handling
• READ File Data Using File
• Introduction To File Handling
• Creating Directory Using Python
• Delete The Folder using Python
• How To Get List Of Files & Folder
• Writing Multiple Line Data In File
• READ DATA Line by line
• Use Of Seek & Tell Function
• How To Read File Data
• Introduction To Exception
• Else Block In Exception Handling
• Finally in Exception Handling
• Index Error Example In Python
• Raise Keyword In Exception
• File Not Found Exception
• Value Error
• Introduction To Collection
• List Collection
• Fetching Data From List Collection
• Set Collection In Python
• Intersection Operation
• Union Operation On Set
• Symentic Difference Option
• Introduction To Tuple Collection
• Fetching Data From Tuple Collection
• Dictionary Collection
• Searching Data In List Collection
• Introduction To Class And Object
• Constructor In Python
• Destructor In Python
• Private Variable
• Static Variable
• static function
• Introduction To Inheritence
• Method Overriding
• Protected Access Specified In Inheritence
• Abstract Class And Abstract Methods In Python
• How To Connect Python With MySQL
• Inserting Record In Database Table
• Delete Record From Database
• Update Record In Database
• Select Data From Database Table
• Select With Where Clause
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